Reverse Lockout Modification
Reverse Lockout Modification

Reverse Lockout Modification

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If you would like to reduce the force required to move the stick into reverse we have two options. To reduce the force required to access reverse we have a spring that is about 25% softer than the factory reverse lockout spring. You can add this spring to your order if you would like to do the job yourself; it is doable but requires a bit of skill, some tools and a vise. Here is the listing for the spring only CLICK HERE.

If you would like to send in your Reverse Lockout Solenoid we will dismantle your unit, polish the end to remove any burs or gouges and reassemble it with the softer spring. 

You will be in no increased danger of accidentally selecting reverse while under way. As the name implies, the solenoid will "lock out" reverse anytime the car is moving 15 MPH or so,  the spring does not change that. 

It is not terribly difficult to access the Reverse Lockout Solenoid while the gearbox is installed in the car but it is something to consider while the gearbox is out. If you are doing a clutch or have the gearbox out for any other reason consider this upgrader as well as the linkage upgrade. Linkage Upgrade DOES REQUIRE the gearbox to be removed from the car.